Growing up, I thought all philosophers were weak men who’d rather talk than go out and fight like warriors.
I’ve since changed my position and now see the benefit of being both a warrior and a philosopher, as many philosophers were bad dudes in their own way.
The study of philosophy has been a cornerstone of civilization since the days of Socrates. It’s a field of thought used to answer life's most puzzling questions, challenge our beliefs, and provide mental tools that strengthen us in the same way that weight-lifting makes our body more functional.
But why should men bother to read philosophy when we can Google the questions we have? Life will go on without any need for a “moral path”; you have to go out of your way to feel discomfort, so as long as you’re not jumping in the street, the odds are that without any philosophical guidelines, you’ll still live a long life, fulfilling though - maybe not.
Seven reasons every man needs to read philosophy.
1. Gain insight into human nature. Philosophy can provide a unique perspective on the human condition and help you to understand why people act the way they do. This can be invaluable information in navigating relationships, developing meaningful connections, and managing conflict.
When you understand why people are the way they are, you may be less inclined to take everything so personally. Life isn’t out to get you; it’s just life.
2. Improve critical thinking skills. Philosophy is a great way to challenge your own beliefs and ideas. It can help you to look at a situation from multiple perspectives and think more deeply about the world around you.
Stoicism is one of the best tools I’ve gained; it eliminated anger, envy, resentment, and more. I’ve become a better man, husband, and father now that I have greater control over my mind and what I allow to influence it.
3. Understand the implications of your decisions. Philosophy can help you understand the consequences of your decisions for yourself and others. It can provide a greater understanding of morality and help you to make more informed choices.
A man must see how his decisions impact those he leads. This means you have to see the world through the eyes of others, thinking like those who are different.
4. Learn to think for yourself. Philosophy encourages independent thought and can help you to develop your own views and beliefs instead of relying on what others tell you.
Think about it like this, in a world of conformist media pumped into everyone’s heads, how can anyone think for themselves? Only in the development of independent thought and charting one’s own course can an authentic life be lived.
5. Develop problem-solving skills. Philosophy can help you to analyze complex problems and develop creative solutions. This can be invaluable when it comes to navigating difficult situations in life.
Not every problem requires a hammer; sometimes, you need to outsmart the issue, which means having a mind capable of handling stress without losing one’s composure or emotional control. You can solve more problems and live a life with less stress when you read of ways to bring stillness to your mind.
6. Explore new ideas. Philosophy is a great way to explore new ideas and think about the world differently. This can be a great way to open yourself up to new experiences and discover new ways of living.
A great example is needing less, not more. Instead of more money, waste less. Instead of more hobbies and a packed schedule, clear things off the calendar and give yourself some free time.
7. Find meaning in life. Philosophy can help you explore life's deeper meaning and discover what is truly important. It can also give you a better understanding of yourself and help you live a more fulfilling life.
There are many benefits to reading philosophy, these are only a few.
If you want to understand yourself better, the world, and the people around you, reading philosophy is a great start. Here are five names I recommend as they’ve served me well, pick any one of them (or all) and get to reading:
Friedrich Nietzsche
John Locke
Marcus Aurelius
- Zachary Small
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