Big Alcohol marketing agencies have executed the most impressive campaign for their products, beating everyone on the market except, of course, Big Pharma, who’ve had a killer run since 2020 (too soon?).
To believe you can’t trust someone who doesn’t consume alcohol means that this addictive liquid carcinogen has worked its way into people’s beliefs & values system.
Moral superiority goes to the junkie, not the sober man.
Let’s look at 10 common sayings that are meant to be funny but instead carry more hypocritical weight than most are comfortable admitting:
“Trust me; you can dance.”- Vodka
It’s not wine; it’s mommy’s happy juice.
Only children and drunks tell the truth.
I drink to make other people more interesting.
You can’t trust a man who doesn’t drink (alcohol).
Alcohol, because no good story ever started with a salad.
On victory, you deserve a beer; in defeat, you need a beer.
Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.
I used to think drinking was bad for me, so I gave up thinking.
Give me coffee to change the things I can and wine to accept those that I cannot.
Alcohol has gotten a pass for so long that we’ve forgotten it’s not good for you, especially to the levels in which people are binging.
Many will say blame the drinker - not the drink, and I can’t argue with that as I am more of a libertarian than anything else regarding drugs. I say let people make their choices, but that’s not the world we’re in, as Tobacco is negatively labeled, pot is illegal depending on the state, and psychedelics are outright banned…
To those blaming the drinker, why are we mad people are addicted to a very addictive liquid drug, and why don’t we see the honest shock & awe ads on booze that were used against tobacco products and companies?
Alcohol runs ads like these:
While tobacco is getting ads like these:
We say adults are responsible for their decisions, yet the marketing is angled to capture the youth. Why do you think horses, talking frogs, and fun little jingles are used in the advertisements for fruity, seltzer, and “manly” drinks?
Underage drinking is a significant public health problem in the United States with binge drinking being responsible for more than 3,900 deaths and 225,000 years of potential life lost among people under the age of 21 each year.
Underage drinking cost the U.S. $24 billion in 2010.
3,900 kids died; I’d be willing to bet 10x that number of kids are drinking each year, and nobody cares as “It’s just alcohol; you stop when you’ve had enough”.
This is the pass I’m talking about with booze; it seems that people look the other way - every time.
That doesn’t work for me as I don’t follow blind narratives or ideas like the one that says you can’t trust someone who doesn’t drink alcohol - that’s an idiotic notion.
“If you want to understand a society, take a good look at the drugs it uses. And what can this tell you about American culture?
Well, look at the drugs we use.
Except for pharmaceutical poison, there are essentially only two drugs that Western civilization tolerates:
Caffeine from Monday to Friday to energize you enough to make you a productive member of society, and alcohol from Friday to Monday to keep you too stupid to figure out the prison that you are living in.”
― Bill Hicks
It’s not that we can’t joke around; it’s that the impact alcohol has on millions of lives can’t continue to be overlooked. As I wrote in, ‘Alcohol, the Authorized Epidemic’, “what I’m suggesting is that the government be consistent with its treatment of these legal drugs and, more so, that people educate themselves on the negative effects alcohol will have on their short-term and long-term mental, physical, and spiritual health.
The war on alcohol and drugs was an absolute failure of management, purpose, and execution.
We need less tax-payer money wasted on inefficient and ineffective programs and more being put towards education, awareness, and financial incentives for those who are choosing to maintain good health.
Prohibition is not the solution, an educated population who voluntarily chooses to remove themselves from the destructive path Big Booze is on is.”
The current system needs you to unplug from it to shut it down.
The only way this thing ends is if people start to be intentional with their consumption, and instead of drinking because you’re happy, sad, winning, losing, getting married, or getting divorced, we have to stop finding reasons to drink and start finding reasons to live a life with less alcohol involved.
Honestly, at the end of the day, I’m not as concerned with people drinking as you’re all adults; my issue is that you’re blindly doing what the government wants you to do and for many, as in a very large majority, alcohol is keeping you fatter and poorer than you want to be and you can’t see that, so take a chance on what I said above and give sobriety a go, if only for 30 days or so - see what happens.
Worst case scenario, you save money.
Best case, you see that you were hooked as you suffered some withdrawals and now realize that alcohol was fucking with your hormones, recovery, and sleep.
- Zac Small
PS: If you’re looking to join an accountability group, my wife and I are inside a private Telegram we run with 20+ others; join us by clicking »here«