UPDATE: I had a brief hiatus and wanted to let you know that we’re now back in action and have returned to our regularly scheduled publishing. I’m going for my Master’s Degree in Psychology; classes started two weeks ago, and the workload required took longer than I’d originally planned.
I’ve now got it dialed in, and The Daily Draft is in full operation once again.
With that said, let’s get to the discussion.
Rarely (if ever) is Perception Reality
I’m going to, as is the case more often than not, go against mainstream advice and tell you that what you see needs to be taken at more than face value.
When people tell you that “Perception = Reality” what they’re saying is that your observation creates an impression in your mind, which defines how you see the world, oftentimes without supporting evidence.
A Few Examples
1. Overnight Success
People see those who go viral, start hitting big sales, or get invited to major events throughout the year and think, “They got lucky”, but few are willing to admit, “They busted their fucking ass to get that”, as it’s harder on the ego to admit that you have the same opportunity as those doing better than you.
Stop being a lazy hater;
People aren’t crushing you with their health, wealth, and relationships because somehow they found this magic elixir you don’t have; they’re out-performing you because they’re doing the work you’re avoiding.
The perception that luck is required and reserved for everyone else dismisses the reps needed to be in the right spot to ever “get lucky”.
2. Wealth & Fame
I had a dude on Twitter tell me that money changes people and also that as individuals grow their followers on social media, their voice changes, and it was presented as if this was a bad thing…

People should change.
In fact, as you make more money, you start to look at money differently; the same goes for social media followers. The perception that growth = bad comes from scarce-minded individuals who are content and who refuse to see that change is needed for growth to occur.
Someone with $1,000 in their account will treat cash differently than someone with $1,000,000 - individuals with 1,000 followers will run their accounts in a way that someone with 100,000 never could.
I meet the “You’ve changed” comments with “Good” because if I was who I was a year ago, who the fuck am I to be giving advice on how others can grow?
And if I’m growing, then my actions should reflect that.
The foundation of an individual should never change; standing for truth is standing for truth, but how that is expressed will evolve throughout one’s entire life.
3. Green Line Bros
Crooked reporters will take photos and quotes out of context to push a narrative that promotes an agenda or further spreads a belief about an individual.

Body language is important.
Few have mastery over it, but if your opinion on an individual is made off the perception you had of a photo, it’s best to do a deeper dive as that one photo you saw of someone in a compromising position with their woman or out with their bros may be a poor shot that fails to capture the entire context of what was happening.
Don’t go spreading information or making opinions on “one-off” images or quotes, do your research, or you may be talking shit and cutting off a resource that could have otherwise of helped you advance in life.
4. College
Given my opening update, it should be clear where I stand on college, go for your specific reasons, don’t for any other reason.

If my son wants to become a Physical Therapist, why would I stop him from pursuing that? Because the internet says college is bad, a waste of money, and a place where woke propaganda is to be found?
If I were a disconnected father, that would make sense, but I’m raising my children to operate in this world.
People's perception of college is based on kids taking out loans and pursuing degrees in fields for reasons unknown to them. Of course, the end product of this approach will be a disaster for the basic-bitches out there, but for those with their heads on straight, college may be the best decision one could ever make.
I say approach school with the same perspective as one would start a business. Know your “Why”, do your research, and make informed decisions, not those you feel are expected of you.
5. Marriage
Here’s the thing with marriage, everyone who comes at it from the “Red Pill” perspective is pointing out how it’s a contract with the government which sets men up for a lifetime of alimony (even if she cheats) and child support (even if the child is not theirs) so the argument is solid and not lacking in proof.
The problem is this notion that only fat, weak, and dependent men are getting married; it’s an idiotic take that relies on dismissing all evidence presenting a positive outlook on long-term monogamy.
The oft-shared examples overlook healthy relationships out there that have lasted decades. People in strong marriages rarely sit online talking about how great they are; it’s more likely those bitching or needing help will be taking to the internet, and here is the problem with perception…
It’s easy to knock marriage, but if you were to do it right, you’d find that marriage is not too difficult to maintain, and like statistics, you can make the numbers do what you want them to do. If you’re only polling those in broken marriages, you aren’t going to get a pretty picture, so instead of taking internet advice on relationships, why not go out, get experiences, and do what it is you want?
- Zac Small
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