As you’ve grown, I’m confident you have learned things you wish you’d known earlier.
While some facts of life cannot be understood except through experience, others can be taught, and for whatever reason in your life, they weren’t.
My question for you is this: Why aren’t you teaching those things to your children?
What Do Your Kids Need to Know?
You hear people saying, “I wish I could go back to when I was younger, knowing what I know now.” which, while impossible, comes with a caveat; you may not be able to go back, but you can pass what you know to your children so they can have the information at that age.
A Brief List:
Family Contention
Government Propaganda
Healthy Fitness and Nutrition
Recognizing Manipulative People
Investing/Saving/Compounding Interest
Remember, while we can't change our past, we can share our knowledge with our children to help them build a better future.
Seize every opportunity to teach them what you wish you knew at their age, and most importantly, create an environment where they feel safe to ask more questions, even about the more “taboo” subjects that are off-limits in most homes.
The things you wished you’d known are those that your parents felt were not appropriate or were too taboo to discuss with you. It’s time you break that generational failure and speak to your children about anything and everything, answering whatever curiosities they may have.
- Zachary Small