The Daily Draft Discussions Ep. 002: My Business Partner and the Toughest Peaceful Parent Anthony Migliorino
Anthony answered 5 questions about life, parenting, and mental clarity
This is the second episode of The Daily Draft Discussions, a series where I interview friends and family, asking each 5 questions to gain insights from their unique perspectives in life.
Interview #002 with Anthony Migliorino, Fraternity of Excellence CoOwner and Founder of
Zac: Yo! Before we kick off the second Daily Discussion, could you let the readers know, Who is Anthony Migliorino and how has your week been?
Anthony: I'm a man who loves his wife, kids, and freedom. I've been married for two decades and raised three children peacefully.Â
This week I've had many important conversations in my home, on DadsDay, and with my brothers in FoE.Â
Now, to the Interview…
Question #1
Zac: You ran a successful auto-body shop for years in New York; what was it that inspired you to sell the business and head to South Carolina? Most people would say you had a sure thing there, and yet, you and the family took a chance on yourselves - why?
The biggest inspiration to move was to have a more peaceful environment surrounded by nature and sunshine.
I lived in New York my entire life, and it was a relentless grind. The property taxes were astronomical, the traffic was horrendous, and I decided it wasn't how I wanted to live the second half of my life. I would say we didn't take a chance. Instead, I envisioned creating a better life, and my wife and kids believed in that mission.
We knew it would be a significant change, and I was selling a successful multimillion-dollar company to go and create a life I knew was better for my family and me.Â
Question #2
Zac: People around the internet know you as "THE Peaceful Father" how did that happen? What made you choose Peaceful Parenting as the foundation of your work?
I was raised in a primarily peaceful home and saw firsthand how my peers and friends around me suffered from abusive households. When I became a father at twenty years old, I noticed how most parents mistreated their kids. All I could think about was being a good dad, and as I became a father to my second daughter, I started to notice how dysfunctional most parents and families were.
I spent the next ten years studying, working hard, and trying to improve as a man.
This was mostly done in isolation since most men despised their wives and kids, and groups like The Fraternity of Excellence didn't exist back then.
Then in 2005, my son was born, and I came across the idea of peaceful parenting. Back then, I knew children needed strong and loving parents to help them through this wild thing called life, and I've never looked back.
Question #3
Zac: One of the greatest impacts you've had on my life is the mindset you've shared and the resources you've exposed me to; why do you think we don't see more people, men particularly, searching for resources to help them improve their performance as a husband and father?

I think most men are deeply wounded and carry a lot of pain from childhood.
We see a lot of physical and mental health issues that many people suffer from, and they find it hard to get help. Childhood trauma negatively affects so many that are unaware and afraid to face the truth about their childhoods. It is why I spread my message and let parents know there are better ways to discipline their kids than physical violence.
If fathers could give their kids the love and connection that was missing in their upbringing, they would help themselves heal while raising healthy kids.Â
Question #4
Zac: In the age of steady updates, chaos everywhere, and outrage at everything - how have you developed (and protected) the inner-peace that you are known for? How can others do the same?
"You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength." Reading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
That quote really stuck with me.
I see many parents as being distracted and unaware of their own pain. I knew I didn't want to be like that, but I also knew to achieve anything of greatness would take a lot of hard work. So I became intentional with my time and worked on getting physically stronger, reading books, meditating, and acquiring self-knowledge.
After that process, I stopped being a victim and started understanding that I was in charge of my life.
Peace came when I focused on what I could control and let go of all the chaos I knew I couldn't control. I made it a practice to wake up every day being grateful for my life with a beautiful wife, three children, four dogs, two cats, nine chickens, and two ducks.Â
Question #5
Zac: Your grand-children and great grand-children ask your descendants what kind of man you were; what is it you hope to be remembered for?
He was a savage but always calm and at peace. Plus, he knew the names of all the birds in the backyard.Â
Zac: A parent reads this and is thinking, "Okay, I need to start taking this Mom/Dad thing seriously"; where should they start the process?
Fix yourself first.
Then once your head is clear, start gathering resources. Read books, and I have many recommendations. Reach out to me or other parents you see doing the right thing and get support.Â

Zac - Anthony, I want to thank you for both your time and for allowing my readers and I inside your world.
I appreciate the insights shared here and hope you know I consider myself privileged to have a man of your caliber in my life. You’ve directly helped me become a better man, husband, and father, which is all now sitting on top of you now becoming alumni of The Daily Draft Friday Family & Friends Series.
For everyone who’s made it through the interview, I’ll pass along any comments or questions to Anthony - drop them below.
- Zac Small
To anyone interested in reading Anthony’s work, you can find his writing at PEACEFULFATHERS.COM
2 of the best men I’ve had the pleasure of knowing