In our modern society, men face new challenges threatening their ability to fulfill their hardwired duty - Predominantly, Emasculation.
This is an issue that has been plaguing men for decades, if not centuries, and with the rapid advancement of technology, developed nations are becoming further and further removed from the environment wherein masculine presence and the capability of strong men are needed; that is until it’s needed and the warriors are nowhere to be found.
Sovereignty & Strength
Men are often judged by their perceived lack of masculinity, with those who fail to meet certain societal standards being deemed lesser men. This, in turn, can lead to a loss of self-esteem, confidence, and purpose, with many men feeling lost and aimless.
Now if I were to stop there, you’d think I were demonizing the social hierarchy of men and lambasting those adhering to archaic standards of how people are to act. Nothing could be further from reality, I find this standard of “What is a good man?” to be something we need more of. It’s in this not measuring up that we see growth must occur, and instead of running away from the fight, or as we have seen in recent years, running away from the gender to get surgeries, take hormones, then “succeed” as a woman, what we need is men who hear they aren’t good enough, then want to do the work to get better.
There’s nothing wrong with the standards of strong men.
Many experts believe that this emasculation of men has far-reaching consequences that extend beyond the personal lives of men. When men are weak and emasculated, they are less able to protect women, which leaves the children vulnerable. Ultimately, every family man’s duty is to the safety and well-being of his woman and their children. A society that fails to recognize the importance of the divine duty of man and his role in protecting his family is a society that ultimately fosters an environment of vulnerability and neglect - it is a society doomed to fail.
The importance of fatherhood in a child's life cannot be overstated, and it is here that we see the emasculation bleeding through. Weak fathers, insecure in who they are as an individual will imprint this preservation of self at the expense of living a complete life onto their children. A father's role in a child's development is crucial; children, especially sons, must develop a healthy understanding of masculinity in this relationship, which means it must be a relationship their father has mastered within themselves. How can a father tell a son to live his best life when that same father lives a life he is allowed to live, one which is limited to the mold others have granted?
This is not to say that fathers should dictate how their children should behave or who they should become, but rather that fathers should provide guidance, support, and a positive male role model that can help children navigate the challenges of growing up.
You are not a strong male role model if you hate what makes you male.
Fraternity of Excellence
A group of men working to be excellent in every aspect of their lives focused on developing and increasing their masculine presence, not containing it for the comfort and approval of others.
Strong fathers are essential for the development and well-being of their children, and with the adage, “I’d do anything for my kids!” I have to call upon you to do what you were born to do, become a strong man free from the shackles of societal conditioning and conformity.
Studies have shown that children with involved fathers tend to perform better academically, have better mental health, exhibit fewer behavioral problems, and are less likely to engage in risky behaviors. And yet, in today's society, men are often discouraged from being involved in their children's lives, and to take it to the extreme-becoming-the-norm, we see fathers who fill the role of a walking paycheck, “disciplinarian”, and second mother. Children aren’t exposed to masculinity in the home, which has had devastating results.
I’d briefly like to point out that there is this notion in some circles that men feel like they must choose between being a good father or a masculine man.
Masculinity is not predicated upon your relationship status; it could be argued that fatherhood is the apex of masculinity, as you develop yourself while leading lives dependent upon you, against your biological clock that starts to slow things down. It’s true; studies have shown that Testosterone drops once a man is married with kids, but who the fuck cares to follow the norm? Masculine men are not worried about this, as their operating mode is not dependent upon their “feelings” or the expectation of others - they do what they want, to the grave.
It is time for society to recognize that a man's sovereignty and capacity to be a capable citizen are not defined by his ability to conform to certain societal standards. Rather, his ability to fulfill his divine duty of protecting and nurturing his family and community truly defines him as a strong father and capable citizen. It is time for society to start celebrating and encouraging men to take an active role in their children's lives and living as a man should - hard.
Masculinity is not dead, and those who remain true to their greatest selves as men will best shape the next generation of strong, responsible citizens who will protect and support their families and communities in the future.
- Zachary Small
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