The {Last Post} I dropped here was published on March 20th, over three months ago…
I’ve had a lot going on in my life, and while that has been the case for a few years now, things accelerated and I needed to make sure there were no blind spots or cracks in the foundation forming.
It’s been like hanging on to the side of a rocket, and I found myself reaching new heights of awareness and understanding at a rapid rate which led to growth both internal and external.
I took a moment a few months ago to slow down and see the new landscape of my mind and life, reviewing everything that’s happened over these past 4-7 years, which have been of immense activity, development, and change for me and my family…
It all caught up to me how much I have both achieved and changed as a person, and it was this awareness that caused me to step back from the electronics because I realized somewhere along the way up, I’d changed beyond the realm of being able to do what I was doing any longer.
This was where I recognized it was time to re-evaluate what the hell was going on, and that “pause” worked.
It’s the same hands typing, and the same voice speaking, but the vision in my head, the fire in my heart, and the focus of my mind are different.
I’m writing this article because as much as I’ve changed, some things remained the same, and being a writer is one such thing…
Major Updates and What to Expect
I’ve put all of my shares of ownership in the Fraternity of Excellence up for sale. I recognized that my priorities have changed and the community would best be served by someone willing to take the wheel and steer things to even greater heights. FoE is strong, and it has changed men’s lives while forging a camaraderie that transcends the electronic world. I love FoE, have lifelong memories and friends there, and will remain a member for life. Several of our members have expressed interest and we are in discussions with them currently; soon, I will no longer be the Owner of the Fraternity and instead, a member enjoying the benefits it provides. This was a difficult point to reach, mostly because it required deep objective honesty and disregarding the ”nice guy” wanting to make sure everyone else was okay; this is something I’ll go into further one of these days.
I am bringing The Daily Draft to full operation. Articles and Podcasts will be shared weekly, I will also be dropping a few “31-Day Challenges” I’ve created which is an incentive for individuals to become paid subscribers as some of the days will be behind a paywall. I intend to turn this substack into my “hub”, this will be my home, where I drop my solo podcasts and interviews, run Q&A’s for those looking to get an inside look at what I’m doing, and offer insights to others who may need some coaching to get out of a rut themselves.
I am “officially” a professional Photographer. Z Photography and Media has taken off at an unprecedented level, and the combination of me knowing I could do this, and it happening have been an incredible experience. Instagram is where I’m dropping a majority of my work, but you can also find it on the Facebook Page. I share that because people see me as a motivational speaker, men’s retreat leader, and writer but I am a photographer who can shoot in any environment, from outdoors and action, to book launches, and product photography. If you’re looking for someone with the unique skill set of understanding photography for an influencer as I speak that language, reach out, and let’s see if we can create something incredible and profitable together.
What’s the Next Step?
I’ve been leading an online community for over 6.5 years, I’m ready to turn the wheel over to the next man who will captain that ship as I am setting out to build art, on a more solo level.
I have so many projects I’m looking to share, ideas I want to break down and discuss, products I’ve created that I want to give away while offering coaching on an extremely limited basis, and several drafts that have been collecting dust here that I want to go through and finish before starting new work, so if you’re a reader, be ready.
I started in this “online game” by writing on Reddit, where millions of words were shared, and then I created The Family Alpha (RIP) blog under a pen name, where again, I’d written millions of words, that were followed by creating FoE and I’ve had a great experience leading that community.
But, I have changed over these 6 years, and with that has come the need for me to do what is best for myself and step back from places others want me. I’m looking forward to putting my energy into what it is I want to do.
Now, I will continue to create content through my writing here, on X(Twitter), through the photography, and videos that I want to create, and will hopefully it will help, educate, and entertain people who are following along and putting the information into practice.
Thank you for being a part of this journey, I look forward to years of discussion and ideas together as I head forward into this next phase of life.
- Zac Small
PS: I will write for this Newsletter and be taking photos for Z Photography and Media until the day I die. If Substack tanks, then it will transfer to the next host accordingly, but I’ve decided that writing and photography are my “end game” hobbies.
Awesome stuff, mate. Glad to see you back.
Wishing you all the best.
Very proud of you, brother. And delighted to see the next evolution.
You've built and done something magnificent, and changed lives and generations with it.
As always, much love, honor, and respect.