For those who joined The Daily Draft with Zac Small from the onset, you know that you didn’t join “The Daily Draft”; you joined The Family Intel Newsletter. That’s because when I first started this, I had an idea that it was my job to write about important family matters to help keep people in the know. What I realized after the very first article was that I was tired of being the “Family Champion” and that I wanted to share more; I wanted to talk about what I wanted to talk about, without any expectation or need to keep it “brand consistent”.
The idea that I had to once again focus my efforts on parenting, family law, marriage, etc. it filled me with a foreboding that I’d not want to write it; I was correct because once I decided to let go of “the cause” and get back to how all of this started, my heart and soul opened wide and the words have been pouring out of me ever since. You see, when I began writing, I was not a writer.
I was not a good student in high school
I never took a journalism class of any sort
I had zero aspirations to be an author or blogger
I was a 24-year-old active duty sailor in the United States Navy, and I’d made the decision that I was going to separate from the service once my contract was up. That led me to Reddit, and it was there I started posting…
That’s where the story began, and that’s where my mind has returned.
I started writing to share my perspective with people.
I began my writing career responding to Reddit threads, posting topics about all things that go on in a man’s life, and doing so without any expectations or “rules” on my shoulders; I could say what I wanted when I wanted because it didn’t matter, it was just Reddit, and I was only a username.
Somewhere along the way of creating the blog, going from my pen name (Hunter Drew) to my actual name (Zac Small), publishing a book, creating a private community, turning writing and speaking into my full-time job, and building up social media accounts, I found myself placed inside a mold.
I was writing for “The Family Alpha” and my focal points were all things family. Gone were the days of talking about fitness, the military, philosophy, and personal hobbies/interests. It was my job to meet the demand of the audience, they turned to me for specific guidance, and I had to ensure it was offered as my experiences were ones that have placed me in a position other people are striving to reach.
The passion became a profession
There’s nothing wrong with this, except over the years, it has taken the fire out of the typing and writing - until now. The Daily Draft with Zac Small (and associated Podcast coming down the pipeline) has re-ignited that desire to get behind the screen and blast the thoughts onto the page. I immediately shifted gears when I realized that I was placing myself back into a mold, and instead, I opened this bitch up to everything I have going on inside. This is why I will be writing every day for the rest of 2022, I have a backlog of words, and I am excited again to do this.
Rarely does one get a “second wind” when it comes to their enjoyment of their profession, yet here I am, with a new resource that will have me sharing a new voice, my voice - the voice I had in the beginning and the one that will always exist.
I will continue to write for my other platforms, but this will be the most free and authentic as it will be where the entire picture is shown, not just the one appropriate for the message being delivered on specific platforms. You’ll have access to my innermost thoughts, beliefs, and people as well. I plan to bring you interviews with those closest to me, from my extended family members to my wife and kids, this platform is one where nothing is off the table, and nothing has to be tied to any central theme. Naturally, I will gravitate to what interests me as this is a “Daily Draft” of my thoughts, but what you will see is that I will form a habit of posting certain types of articles on certain days and getting a new rhythm of what works best in the method of delivery (written vs. audio).
It’s my hope that you enjoy the content shared and find yourself reading about things that may be different from what is happening at the mainstream level, but that is the point; there are enough distractions to go around; here, you’ll find a real man going through real life asking real questions about real experiences. There’s no amplification or exaggeration; life is interesting enough without having to make it “more”.
Those who become paid subscribers will receive published articles 7x a week, one a day, and for those who join free, you will receive three articles a week, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Lastly, for those who join at the Founding Member level, you’ll get to pick a topic discussed monthly. Founding Member suggestions will receive complete breakdowns, and I will put everything I have into addressing their interest or question.
For all who drop comments, I’ll work to answer each and possibly incorporate suggestions into published articles.
That’s it;
that’s why I changed the branding, that’s why I’m writing at this frequency, and that’s why you’re going to see content from me here that you won’t find elsewhere; this Daily Draft is my most personal outlet, and I look forward to sharing it with you. I’m not paying for ads, it’s my belief that good writing is all the advertising needed, and word of mouth will carry it the rest of the way. If these articles offer value to you, I only ask that you let others know.
- Zac Small
Many of us are at our best when we don’t have to “color between the lines”.
If we are doing life authentically, we will change and grow. Shift the focus. Keep it interesting.
Nothing worse than trying to read a forced article that is nothing more then an effort to regurgitate the same old crap.